Recording for Writers and Bands
Recording, Mixing, and Mastering with no distractions
The studio is put together to make recording sessions as flexible as possible whether you’re a one-man-band or a 6 piece with horns.
- 24 Channels of ProTools HDX (DSP) simultaneous input and 32 out with zero noticeable delay,
- Sample Re-clocked by Antelope OCXHD
- Focal TWIN6 Be Monitoring
- Softube and SSL control Surfaces
- Shadow Hills Equinox Summing with selectable transformers

Hardware Compressors
Real Hardware Compression to make you sound great. (plus every plugin known to man)

Retro Sta-Level
Makes vocals and bass sound amazing! The Retro Sta-Level is a recreation of the legendary 1956 Gates Sta-Level. The Sta-Level dominated the sound of hit radio in the 1960’s. Now these super musical sounding compressors have found their way into today’s hits.

Purple MC77 Limiter
The Purple Audio MC77 is meticulously modeled and personally approved by Andrew Roberts of Purple Audio, Inc. It is a spot-on digital replica of Roberts’ acclaimed MC77 Limiting Amplifier, which in turn is an update of his classic MC76 hardware unit.

Emperical Labs EL8 Distressor
Born of founder Dave Derr’s love of classic compressors like the 1176, LA-2A and Gain Brain (among others), the Distressor incorporates his favorite sonic characteristics of these, along with other unique and interesting features that have made it a staple for audio engineers all over the world.

TG Microphone Cassette
The compressor section of the TG Microphone Cassette is a special adaptation of the Chandler Limited TG1 Limiter tracing its lineage to the historic EMI TG12413 mixing and mastering console limiters.
EMI technical engineers experimented with the use of optos in their audio compressors, and now for the first time ever Chandler Limited introduces the TG1 Opto compressor.
Plenty of Pedals
Vintage and Modern guitar and bass pedals to find the right sound.
Years of Tweaking
Many years of experience recording bands and singer, songwriters have helped me develop as an engineer and producer.

Drum Recording
Drum recording takes years to understand. Lots of trial and error have given me a full menu of options on how to change drum sounds to fit your song. I can make getting a great drum sound easy and quick.

Guitar & Bass
Every house instrument has been fussed over from the action, the electronics, the pick-ups, to the amps and how they are setup and monitored.

I have several great vocal mics and many others that are less typical vocal mics that also sounds cool and vibey.
– Sontronics Mercury
– Peulso P-67 (U67 style)
– Chandler TG
(many other smaller mics)
We Are:
We’re off FM 1626 in Buda Texas
(18 minutes south of Downtown Austin)